
Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Vampire Schmampire

I'm seriously seriously seriously starting to wonder what the fuck I'm going to do with my life. It's getting pretty old, right now.

I woke up with a sore back (more like the inside of my chest hurts) and drove Chris to work, ate a sandwich, bought a dress, and drove to Mount St Helens. Just, because, I had nothing to do, and I've been itching to get out of Portland. I felt better seeing the "Thank You For Visiting Oregon" sign. I pulled oven and picked a spot on the map (not a good map, really, but it's plastic so no worries about rippage): Lava Tube. That sounded awesome. Driving through rural Washington, I imagined tubes of lava, like the internet made real. Alas, there was but one tube, and onley a half tube, at that. See, the lava flowed down the mountain in one spot, and that made a tubular groove in the side of the mountain, and in the earth, too. The real thing was almost as beautiful as what I'd imagined. I took some photos, scrambled through some ash, saw a chipmunk or two, enjoyed the afternoon.

When I got home Chris was watering the front yard. Chris has been exhausted these past couple of days, whereas I am not tired. Actually I'm tired now, but I wasn't tired at 7:45, which is when he went to bed.

I gave myself a haircut tonight, so I no longer have a shaggy grown out mullet: I have a cute curly bob!

Holy Shit! I forgot! I saw "Snakes on a Plane"! What a funny fucking movie!

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