Tuesday, May 30, 2006
I'm covered in tiny splinters!
The question becomes: What to do? I've been working in the garden so far, putting down some mulch, planting, getting the garbage in order. It's such a lovely day! Also, I'm trying to figure out what kind of tree that Critter, Russel, and Rachel gave us. I don't want to plant a tree that will grow to be 30 feet tall right next to the house, or to the power lines!
Also! I got a new bike today! It is turquoise and you pretty much sit straight up when you ride it, and it has big fat tires and fenders! I am happy because I never liked my old bike (it wasn't even one I chose: I had inherited it from Marian, because Amanda had left it at Marian's house for six months or something, and Marian had been borrowing my bike while I was living in France and it got stolen outside the Lloyd Center). It is a pretty sweet bike, and I'm looking forward to more rides on a bike with working gears and brakes.
We also need to fix the roof and put up some gutters before winter sneaks back into town.
I'm going to take Intro to Printmaking this summer!
I am sitting outside on the bench that mom got us for the wedding, and it is so nice!
Monday, May 29, 2006
Back in town
I feel pretty well rested right now, after having some of the busiest, and most wonderful, weeks of my life.
I went salt water fly fishing in Tofino, Canada, and actually really liked it. But what's not to like? Catching some fish (and allowing them to live), seeing a seal or two, spotting a bald eagle, drifting--all of it is good! We also went to the hotsprings, and although there was no room between the Chinese and German and Americans to soak, we did have a lovely walk through the rainforest, and we saw a lot of gray whales, and eight pelicans. We took a nap on the dock, until a float plane woke us up by almost landing on us! We also ate a lot of smoked salmon (today is my first day with absolutely no smoked salmon).
Getting married was probably the best day of my life so far. I remember it all! I wish I had had more time to talk with everyone, and to dance more. Thing is, there was a lot of love in that big room, and I think I understand why people have weddings. Marian did the most amazing job of marrying us. People laughed, people cried, people did the Hokey Pokey! Claire and I sang that cheesey song from Dirty Dancing! Chris sang "Something in the Way She Moves" but didn't know the words, so everyone else sang along with him. I sang "White Wedding" of course.
I was overwhelmed, I was stressed out, I was angry, but it was worth it. Totally.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
My House Is Filling Up With People
They are all really nice but I just want to go to sleep! I did this to myself. I know. I know I did!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
I am out of it
Mom arrives today. We gotta go and pick her up at the airport. I stayed home last night cleaning the guest room for her while Chris went out to see the boys back from tour.
It has been in the 90s the past few days. But our yard looks nice.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
We are one week away (that's exactly seven days) from the big day! That's CRAZY! I mean, seriously nutso. C-dawg and I have been on ultra cleaning/organizing blitz. His parents and my mom are staying at the house for a few days, which will be nice but honestly I bet it will be just a bit more hectic. The bonus is that mothers usually like to tidy and clean.
Marian called us this morning to read us the ceremony she'd written. We put her on speaker phone in between us, where the kitties usually sleep, and it was so sweet.
There are a lot of loose ends to tie up at the moment, but we're getting there. Slowly.
The best part about this is that my dear friends, most of who live far far way, have been so helpful and kind and generous!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Throat Attack!
I've been attacked by some anonymous throat dwelling bug--and only on my right tonsil! So strange! The whole right side of my neck has been swollen for over a week now. It is pretty hot.
I am not "freaking out" so much as "having trouble sleeping" when I think of all the things I have yet to do, such as buy rings, wine, grill, make favors, find a florist. It's kind of exciting. I thought that I had it all under control, but I do not have it under control. It is good that I have no job, but it is bad that I've been running a fever for the past three days.
This whole Bride thing is not really my style. Because, well, it seems to focus so much on how I look! I mean, if you've seen me in the morning, or afternoon, or recently, you can tell that that is really not high up on my list. It doesn't really make my list at all. But, thing is, right now it does make my list, and that list is LONG.
The florist thing is turing out to be pretty anxiety provoking. Because, we are less than three weeks away and the lady I thought would be our florist has not returned my call. I am going to call her now.
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