Chris has been relentlessly mastering things all day. I got to work on time this morning. Yesterday I was an hour late--because I thought I was closing. It was kind of rough towards the end, mainly because I just wanted to get my dishes done and get out of there. A woman I had class with (maybe I had a few classes) came into the shop with her faggy boyfriend. I was all, "Fuck, fuck, go away." They ordered ice-cream cones and were annoying. The woman used to be a Suicide Girl, which made her quasi famous on campus. I think we had an intense mutual dislike/respect for each other. Or it could be in my head. I don't like serving Reedies, Reedies that I know or that know me, because they are the worst tippers. They are worse than most middle aged lesbians or old people ate tipping. Of course these are generalizations about people.
That story about the guy who got arrested for not tipping in NY made me so happy.
But we watched Grosse Point Blank and had spinach pizza. "Carrots and Celery are just the base of the soup!" I've been watching that movie since I was in High School. The first time was in Alexia's living room, on a winter break. They had a giant wall-paper mural of white horses running through the crashing waves on the living room wall. Amanda's house had a Sol leWit drawing on the wall in the foyer. I painted Sesame Street characters on my walls, and an Isak Dinesen quotation. "The cure for everything is salt-water: sweat, tears, or the sea."