
Monday, June 14, 2004


The New Clean Amy Act

This afternoon I went to a bar up in way the f North Portland called U&I and saw At Dusk play. Best show they've done that I've seen, sound-wise. Then, hung out at the Hedge House with John and Shauna's new girlf Rachel, who's really cool and talkative and friendly. Now I'm marinating a leg of lamb in red wine, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, lavender, peppermint, garlic, bay leaves, and maple syrup. I'm going to roast it tomorrow. I guess it might be better to let it soak until Tuesday. I've been really into tea lately. Right now: peppermint, the same stuff that's with the lamb.

I received many interesting phone calls today. Chris (he called me then I called him later), Amanda Lucier, who handed me over to Ben S. who's coming down tomorrow, and George, the Soda guy from the farmer's market. Simon, the new dishwasher, gave George my number. Bad move, Simon. But, it's cool that maybe I'll get to hang out with George. I'm medium creeped out. Less than medium, even.

I'm trying to keep up this new clean Amy act, sweeping the kitchen and putting my laundry away. I don't want things to get out of control, as they often do. An ounce of prevention dot dot dot. Did you know that in my head I say "dot dot dot" instead of "ellipses"?

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