
Sunday, May 23, 2004


An open letter to Arnold

Long time, no blog. It's been warm and stormy, and I have tons of pansies. Speaking of pansies, I have a new joke: "How many fags does it take to make At Dusk? Three." I also just thought of another variation: "How many fags does it take to make Strength? Three." This joke has potential. I've been over at Greg, Cary, and Ethan's house a lot, either drinking tangerine mimosas and munching on strawberries, or watching Chris move digital sliders around. I also got to make some percussion on one of their songs. That was really fun. I may get to sing on one of their songs, too, but I don't want to get too excited about it because there's a good chance that it won't happen. I also get to read the McSweeny's comic book collection thing that they have over there.

This week I'm working five days in a row up front. I've never done that before. That's five days of closing. The thought makes me feel queasy because there's a good chance I'll burn out and flip out. Market with Katy was fun fun fun. She gave me a lot of time to wander about and buy flowers and vegetables.

I've been noticing a number of good band names for the band I want to start. Here's one: Mostly New Plumbing.

I have this weird hang-up about being shown affection in public. I don't like it. I don't like it when other people do it, and I feel uncomfortable about it, even in front of friends. Why? I think maybe because it smacks of possessiveness to me. "I have news for you, you are mine now, you belong to me." I belong to no man, Mister Schwarzenegger, I belong to no man.

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