
Tuesday, April 06, 2004


Memories Fade but the Scar Still Lingers

This is my reaction to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The point of the film, the resolution, the philosophical viewpoint, is that a relationship cannot be measured by its end, by how it all works out in the end, or doesn't; rather, the moments that become memories, hardwired into the brain, our little mini works of art (because aren't memories the most organic of all human creations?) are beautiful, poignant, whatever, in and of themselves. Certainly, the screenwriter acknowledges that humans are patterned, that if we are not allowed to learn from our mistakes we are destined to repeat them--actually, we are destined to repeat them no matter what. The question the film poses is this: are they really mistakes? Romance that ends bitterly is not a failed romance. That's the point. In other words, it's not the destination, man, it's the journey.

Of course, I saw the movie alone in the afternoon, and had to drink afterwards. But the night turned out alright--we went to the Silver Dollar Saloon for Stein Night (I kept thinking about Shauna), 32 fluid ounces of Black Butte Porter. Then the Alibi for some cherry-oke popping: John, Matt, and Patrick's first time. They were all excellent, and they did some winners: Genesis' "That's All," "Arthur's Theme," and "Don't You Want Me." Some guy with orange hair took a Polaroid of me doing my pump the legs in the air routine to "Flashdance (What a Feelin')"--I think that the chair is possibly the best Karaoke prop.

I woke up super hungry and decided that today was the day for breakfast at Genie's. My waitress comes into Pix all the time, she's really nice, but I was non-communicative, being low in blood-sugar and dehydrated. I really like the potatoes there.

I think maybe I'm not concerned enough with the end-point, with goals.

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