
Saturday, March 06, 2004

My cat often sounds like an axe-murderer. She's very sweet, though. Lindsay and Noah are getting coffee at Stumptown--and yes I put in an order for a double soy latte. I didn't wash my face before bed, so now I have mascara gobblety-gook in my eyes. My ear hurts slightly, and I'm generally congested. My ankle is happier today.

I watched "Thirteen" last night (ankle elevated) and cried. There was a lot in that movie that I related to. The mother in AA, the scampy older brother with a heart of gold, the wealthy workaholic divorced father with a new life. The other stuff in the movie, the whole going down the toilet towards drug dependency etc, that happened later in life--if at all--or to my brother. Of course, no one wrote a screenplay and became super famous. Not yet, anyway. That's part of the reason why when people raise their eyews at me when they found out I went to boarding school that I can't take them too seriously. Oh, enough self-pity. Then I watched "French & Saunders: Living in a Material World." Those ladies crack me up! Today I want to watch "Starsky and Hutch" and "Dogtown and z-Boys."

Going to Scrap.

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