Tuesday, February 28, 2006
It's almost three in the afternoon and I'm still in bed. Athena has been under the covers for a couple of hours, keeping my foot area heated. The new coat rack was delivered today. The box it came in is huge, and I don't want to break it down because I think it would be cool to make it into a toy for Innana.
My golden Birthday was pretty boring. I was sick, Chris was sicker, and I stayed in. My congestion has not gone away, and I find it hard to move around for more than fifteen minutes. So, I'm staying in bed. Tomorrow will be a new day. I plan on feeling one hundred percent then.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
B Minus 5
5 days until the big 26, the most important birthday of my life.
Alexia has tickets, Lindsay has tickets, Marian has tickets! I can't wait to get out of town, myself, seriously.
I had a tuna melt after sleeping in after drinking 4 beers last night with Paul. I won nothing at bingo, again, and I am starting to believe that I will never win at bingo. At least the stupid bingo song isn't in my head.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Gritty French Press
I'm at the bottom of my cup and it's sludge, bad bad sludge. I like French Press in principle, but I prefer my coffee drip-style. It's how momma drank it.
Speaking of momma, she just keeps getting sicker and sicker. It seems like every six months or so she gets diagnosed with a new thing. Most recently, diabetes. Which is why I'm going to the gym!
I played the drums last night. It was super fun. I'm going to try to get Will to give me some lessons.
The wedding invitations should be done before too long, and then it'll be time to address them. There's a lot of rules about addressing invitations. Stupid stupid rules.
Alright. That's all for now. If you want to help address some invitations, I'll buy you some beer.
Friday, February 17, 2006
New Schedule
No longer having a job that requires me to be up until the wee hours of the morning, I find myself crawling into bed around 10:30 or eleven, with a book. I wake up around eight or nine, well-rested and feeling groovy. It's amazing and almost everynight when I get into bed I start laughing. Why the hell am I in bed so early?
I have a whole day free (again) until dinner time, so I think I'm going to exercise and go grocery shopping. I love being boring!
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Aimless Amysue--No More!
When was the last time I wrote anything? Seems like a long time ago, but who knows? I've decided what I want to do with my life (psychiatric nurse practitioner), I've hung out with a two year old, I've cried for practically no reason, I've planted seeds that are now seedlings, I've made ice cream and cake and cobbler and dinner foods, too. Tonight Marissa made "noodles" (the word for any pasta dish--this was angel hair and red sauce--classic) and then fell asleep (she was feeling sick) so Innana and I hung out for a bit, and ate dinner together, and watched Powerpuff Girls.
We went for a walk to the big park on Fremont and 7th this afternoon. There were a couple of kids, a few doggies, and some fast slides. Then we got some fried chicken at the new conveinence store on Alberta. The chicken was good.
I've been, strangely, very happy lately. Happy about making good decisions, happy about my living situation, life goals, quitting, getting along with my ex-boss. The flip side--the strange side--is that I'm not sure what to do with being happy. I'm so unused to it that my moods are sharp. I've also been drinking myself into a stupor a lot less. The down side is aimless Amysue, not using her free time effectively.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
not enough tv
In the "Great Unemployment of 2006" there is a dearth (is that a word?) of television watching. I've played board games with new friends, I've played bingo, sang karaoke, started a new book, drawn a picture of my giant hand bruise, done laundry, made some juice, but I haven't been watching TV hardly at all--not even DVDs! Part of the problem is that there aren't enough seasons of "The Vicar of Dibley." The other part of the reason is that the TV room is filled with laundry that needs to be put away and I don't want to go in there because it makes me angry.
I've been trying to keep up with the sleeping schedule of my cats, but it is nearly impossible to sleep so much. The first few days of not working were cake, but now I am not tired.
Happy Birthday Greg!
Sunday, February 05, 2006
I'm in bake-mode. I just pulled some banana marionberry muffins out of the oven. Last night I made an ice cream brownie cake for Chris's Birthday, and I made everything from scratch. I bet you we'll eat it later.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Today is Chris's Birthday and we are much aglow with prospects for rable rousing! We might go to Target! Who knows? Anything could happen!
On another note, we met Kelly and Jason from "Meet the Neighbors with Kelly and Jason" from "Noboto!" It was amazing, because we are big fans of Kelly and Jason. They played a show last night with Caught in Candy and Copy, and I thought they were great. Except the power kept going out. That was funny. Amanda was there with us and we had a lot of fun. Then we went to Bar Pastiche and then we went to Pix and then we went home. (I really wanted a ghetto cake.)
Meghan called this morning and I miss her.
I have plans for a delicious cake, but I need to find a recipe.
Friday, February 03, 2006
late night
We were up really late last night moving the studio into the basement. But it looks really good and Marissa's room is clean and empty.
It's gray and bland outside, as far as I can tell, and I would rather not leave the house, but I'm supposed to go to Home Depot. Don't want to go.
Keep it REAL!
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